Yesterday we had our first serious engine trouble with our “trusty steed” (Thx Matt & Kalene – I stole this from you!) and we are camping out in Florence, Alabama until Monday when it can be looked at. As far as our “plans,” we were on our way to Tuscaloosa to visit Vinny’s old stomping grounds, and some more great people.
Upon waking this morning I found myself inquiring of God as to why we have two extra days before anyone can even look at it. What should we do with the time? What does He want me to do? Silence. I pulled up the “list” in my head, as if doing so would refresh His memory as to all the things I hope to accomplish with any spare time we have on this trip. Again, Silence. So I grew silent, and that’s when I heard His beautiful voice finally say to me, “As I see it, these are just two more days tacked onto eternity for Me to love you.”
Ahhh..isn’t Love awesome?