In returning and rest, you have deliverance, and with quietness and confidence you have strength. But you refuse. ~ Isaiah 30:15 . Skipping the Fast Tip Friday post last week, and probably this Friday too, I decided to share a bit about “quiet places” instead ~ something that’s been more of a focus for us…
Author: Pamela
FAST TIP FRIDAY ~ How We Now Use Pet Food Cans
Last week’s “Fast Tip Friday” was a little more serious, but this week it is something fun and crafty – about how to use pet food cans! Admittedly, at first we thought it was “CAT-astrophic” to suddenly have a cat, and still do (seriously, “Micky Mouth” is an almost non-stop chatterbox), but now every time…
Fast Tip Friday #1
The blog readership here has increased a lot recently, which is great (Welcome everyone!) But at the same time this is a time of year that is really busy for us on the homestead, and I’ve also been wanting to spend more meditating and praying, emailing one-on-one with people, and just generally not worrying about…
Some Wild Eating Ideas
I give you EVERY seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and EVERY tree that has fruit with seed in it as well. They are ALL yours for food and medicine. ~ Genesis 1:29 This might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but in today’s post I thought I’d share a few crazy…
Let There Be a Vegetable Garden! Hmmm, Not So Fast…
In the book of Genesis, the Creator is said to have spoke many things into existence. “Let there be light…Let there be seed-bearing plants”, etc… Ultimately, whether one believes in evolution or not, people generally believe there was a big “kick-in-the-butt” somehow, and at sometime, to jump start us into such an amazing existence. I…