Last year we bought 7 acres of land. We felt it was significant, and didn’t know what to call it – or if we should call it anything. Suddenly (after a winter of abiding here) my husband Vinny had the inspiration… “Our Little Eden.” Thus the name change of this website. What used to be…
Author: Pamela
Talkative Trees – What I Learned on A Guided Hike
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.“ – Henry David Thoreau Yesterday we went on a nature walk through…
It’s Finished! … Well, One Thing Is Anyway…
I love “before and after” pictures, don’t you? They are an encouragement that anything is possible! There is a lot missing, however, between the two extremes that we don’t see. Days and days of mundane baby steps. Getting up and not feeling the energy to do anything. Or encountering challenges that interrupt your flow, or worse yet, require a do-over….
Planting in a Storm
Life on the “wanna-be” homestead has been a little quiet, I know. We had to take a couple trips to Massachusetts, the second time for a grandson who had brain surgery to remove a tumor. Thankfully it was benign, and the little guy is doing great! And both times a lovely friend we made back…
The Smell of Toast
A year ago today, when we were traveling in Florida, I wrote the following in my journal: . “I woke this morning with Vinny out in the kitchen making coffee. I could hear the soft mumbling voices of him and my new “dad” (Vinny’s dad) talking. I felt comfy and warm inside, laying there and…