So last Sunday we returned to that eco-village I mentioned last time, to sit in and observe an important bi-weekly meeting called “Council” where community issues are discussed and consensus decisions are made (see pic). We were the only 2 visitors. Interestingly enough, only 2 members showed up (one of them being the facilitator) and their rules say they need something like 4. For the first time in 22 years, it was cancelled!Â
A little frustrated, the facilitator apologized to Vinny and I, saying she was sorry we had to see this side of the community. We told her no problem, as it really didn’t surprise us. No matter what system in life there is, whether religious, political, or something in-between, there always seems to be minimal, passive involvement on one hand, and controlling, more dog-eat-dog involvement on the other.
Smaller is better?
I have to admit that while I do not presume to know what is best for this community, in the simplicity of my mind I almost think two or three people should be enough to “get on with it.” Or at least have something positive happen instead of the negativity of a cancellation. I later thought what Jesus on a different but similar note, “where two or three (not two or more) are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst.” Also, “by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word is established.”  In many situations, thinking “the more the better” is to miss out on the powerful potential that just two people with the same heart and mind have together. Step by step, two by two…So much can be said about the small things of life.

With that being said, after visiting some precious friends the last several days, we have felt strangely led to cut short our stay in the beautiful mountains of the Asheville area, which is feeling too saturated with too many people doing intentional communities already, and go a little further West for awhile.Â
Today we are at a small state park north of Knoxville, TN.  Not sure why yet, or all that we’ll learn here in TN, but I thought it interesting when at a rest stop today to notice the state flag of Tennessee for the first time.  It has 3 stars!  :-)
Much love,
So cool the freedom you guys have really amazing love you guys!!
Thanks Angel, love you too!
Why are three stars significant to you, Pam? :) Just wondering…
Hi Frances, sorry for my delay in responding…for some reason I was not getting new comments emailed to me. As far as your question, I don’t know why the Tennessee flag has 3 stars exactly, but would be interested to know why. :-) My inspiration from it was more in line with a visual confirmation to what I was being impressed with earlier in the day…